Your First Home: 9 Factors to Consider Before Making a Big Purchase

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Buying a house can be tiring and exciting at the same time. There are many things to consider; after all, you’re not just purchasing a disposable item. The process can be meticulous, from the home search to the purchase itself. It entails unavoidable technicalities, formalities, and requirements.

When it comes to buying a house, information is as essential as the house itself. With that in mind, it would be best to be well-informed about every nook and cranny. You’ll spend a lot, so you have the right to review every detail of the process and house itself.

Here are things to consider when purchasing a house:


It’s essential to ensure that you can afford a house. There is a disparity between expectations and reality. Most houses, the good ones, are quite expensive. However, there are times when you can get a good deal. It’s wise and is of practical sense to take your time when hunting for houses. Collect or note as many houses as you can find, and then choose from that point forward. You wouldn’t want to be in a position where you’ve already purchased a home and then later find out there was a better deal just next door. Take your while; like all good things, take time.


It is a given that location is vital. The house should have easy and comfortable access to main roads that will lead to hospitals, pharmacies, groceries, banks, schools, workplaces, and other essential establishments of importance. Look into real estate websites like to find a property close to railway stations and shopping centers.

The location must also be at its habitable best. Is the area vulnerable to flooding, heavy snow, heat waves, tornadoes, or other environmental hazards? It is wise to avoid places with a long history of frequent earthquakes; this would mean extra expenses for an earthquake-proof architecture, not to mention the safety hazard for you and your family.


Even if blessed with financial abundance, there is always satisfaction when getting a good deal or saving more. Many houses in the market are overpriced. Although the property might seem affordable, the other unavoidable fees like legal and mortgage fees will eventually burn out your cash.

So it is best to be financially equipped and financially aware of what you’re going to spend on.


An environmental background check can also be in handy when purchasing a house. Is there a constant supply of water? This resource is dependent upon the local reservoirs. It will be such a shame when buying a home and only to find out that the water supply is already depleting.

The neighborhood, find a reliable source for data like crime rate, and if there is, how far is it from your house? The quality of the local educational system, the predominant religion, political views, environmental views, or literacy rate, these things are factors that might affect your stay.


It is of utmost importance to ensure the house’s capability, and you don’t want to purchase a high-maintenance house. Durability is measured by the architectural, masonry work, design, and quality of the materials used. Having this verified information will give you a practical sense of expectancy on the future costs or liabilities that you might have to incur or endure.

Some houses in the market are older than you are. These are the houses that have already stood through the test of time; however, some homes are newly built and yet to be tested. Knowing the age of the house does not necessarily give you a better understanding of its durability. This will depend on the entirety of your data, and if it’s an old house, then its durability is there. However, it also means that it might be withering, so it will be better to have the house checked by an expert.

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Checking the history of the house might give you a better understanding of the house itself. It is not really of significance, but it is more to do with curiosity, and who knows what back story the house might unfold. It might give you more drive to purchase the house or have more reasons not to buy it.

The house’s history can also affect its value, so it is the seller’s obligation to disclose all necessary information about the place.


Make sure the seller or the real estate agent is reliable. You won’t want to end up buying a house that isn’t on the market in the first place. Though purchasing homes do have legal measures to ensure that this will not happen, crooks and scammers are still there. A little background check on the seller or agents will not harm. A little research on the web will do the trick of asking around the neighborhood.


Purchasing a house should never be a liability. It’s called an asset for a good reason. You can make sure or guarantee that the house you’re buying can be viable or have the potential of becoming an asset for you or your family, may it be for daily use or can be rented out for monthly dues.

This will require a combination of many factors, so in short, make sure the house is something you like. When the time you want to sell it comes, you won’t have any difficulty when doing so.


This is a given. In this digital age, it’s quite easy to surf on the web and window-shop for houses. However, it’s never encouraged to purchase something you’ve never actually witnessed or touched in person. So it is best to visit the home you’ve considered buying and know for yourself the aura and mood it emits.

Comfort has always been a subjective thing. Some people who often get cold prefer the warm climate, and some who sweat easily prefer a cooler climate. It’s the same with houses too, and you might like how it looked on the internet and then get dismayed with the temperature when you arrive there. Seeing the actual house is a must; pictures can be filtered and edited.

It would be best not to forget that the house you will be purchasing will someday be called a home. A home should be comfortable, durable, and reliable. It should also be something you like personally. Besides, you will know whether a house is right for you. It’s a feeling that will eventually fall into place.

Purchasing a house can be tricky and exhausting, but it will be worth it. Just take your time and do the leg work, be meticulous and keen. Never be afraid to inquire; information is what you need, not just any kind of information, legitimate and updated information for you to arrive at a place where you can have a well-informed choice.

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