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How to Create the Best Real Estate Package

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This guide is about creating the best real estate package. It’s no secret that a pre-listing package is crucial to get sellers to choose you. That way, you stand out from all the other realtors.

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And you show sellers how good you are and that you’re ready to work.

Several items should go into the package. These include a letter introducing yourself. Let the seller know you’d love to help them sell their house. There’s also the “all about me” page. That’s where you tell the seller more about yourself, like your realtor experience and your awesome team. Local market statistics show the seller you’re a guru. You understand the housing market.

Also includes an explanation of how selling a house works. Doing so helps first-time sellers who’ve never done it before. Another key aspect is the marketing strategy. Use it to showcase how you sell houses, like via social media and open houses. It’s also prudent to add testimonials from past clients.

Then there’s your contact information and website. This way, the seller can contact you to chat more about selling their house. It’s a good idea to make a template for your pre-listing package. Remember to tweak it for each seller. This approach saves you time and ensures the package applies to what each seller needs.


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